For a Better Life


Anorexia and Lipedema 

A Case report of a patient with Anorexia Nervosa and Lipedema.  Published in American Journal of Case Reports.



Lipedema is a loose connective tissue disease that causes disproportionate subcutaneous fat accumulation on the extremities. As a result of the increased subcutaneous tissue accumulation, lipedema is often confused with obesity by both physicians and patients. Poor awareness and limited diagnosis of lipedema contribute to the confusion of lipedema with obesity and can lead to decreased body image acceptance. Patients with lipedema may have anorexia nervosa, an eating disorder characterized by a distortion of body image, incorrect self-identification of being overweight, restricted eating behavior, and a relentless pursuit of weight loss. Case Report: A young woman with disproportionate fat accumulation on the lower half of her body self-identified as having obesity. She developed restrictive eating behavior and became obsessed with weight loss, resulting in anorexia nervosa. Her disproportionate subcutaneous tissue persisted despite losing weight to reach a nadir BMI of 15 kg/m2. After a decade-long struggle, her eating disorder resolved, and she maintained a healthy weight and BMI of 21.5 kg/m2, but disproportionate fat remained in her lower body. She experienced increasing leg tenderness, pain, and easy bruising and was diagnosed with lipedema. Conclusions: Lack of recognition of lipedema by medical professionals and the public as a weight loss-resistant disease can affect body image acceptance. Lipedema was mistaken for obesity by the young woman in this case and likely played a role in her development of an eating disorder. Eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa, are not rare and may be more common in women with lipedema.  

Case Report:

A young woman with disproportionate fat accumulation on the lower half of her body self-identified as having obesity. She developed restrictive eating behavior and became obsessed with weight loss, resulting in anorexia nervosa. Her disproportionate subcutaneous tissue persisted despite losing weight to reach a nadir BMI of 15 kg/m². After a decade-long struggle, her eating disorder resolved, and she maintained a healthy weight and BMI of 21.5 kg/m² but disproportionate fat remained in her lower body. She experienced increasing leg tenderness, pain, and easy bruising and was diagnosed with lipedema.


Lack of recognition of lipedema by medical professionals and the public as a weight loss-resistant disease can affect body image acceptance. Lipedema was mistaken for obesity by the young woman in this case and likely played a role in her development of an eating disorder. Eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa, are not rare and may be more common in women with lipedema.

Read the full paper here (or PDF below).
Lipedema & Anorexia.pdf
DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.930840