For a Better Life


Lipedema Blog


Lipedema and Cellulitis: Understanding the Relationship and Prevention Strategies

Dr Wright Share

Lipedema and cellulitis are two conditions that often coexist, causing discomfort and distress to those affected. Understanding the relationship between these two conditions and implementing prevention strategies is crucial for optimal management. Lipedema is a chronic disorder characterized by an abnormal accumulation of fat in the legs and sometimes the arms, causing pain, swelling, and tenderness.  On the other hand, cellulitis is a bacterial skin infection that can occur as a complication of lipedema due to impaired lymphatic drainage and weakened immune response. It presents with redness, swelling, and warmth

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Lipedema research

How Prevalent is Lipedema in Women?

Dr Wright Share

Lipedema is a fat disorder that mainly affects women and causes enlargement of both legs due to fat deposits under the skin. It’s characterized as a “progressive disorder,” meaning it worsens over time. In severe and more progressive cases, the trunk and upper body may also be affected, including the arms and upper back, and it’s often misdiagnosed and incorrectly treated as general obesity. While the exact prevalence of lipedema is still not well-known, estimates suggest that it may affect a significant portion of the female population. Below, we explore

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lipedema treatment

Whole Body Vibration and Dry Brush Massage for Lipedema

Dr Wright Share

Lipedema is a condition characterized by the abnormal accumulation of fat cells, primarily in the lower body, causing pain, swelling, and decreased mobility. While liposuction is considered the most effective treatment for lipedema, it’s imperative that individuals with lipedema first master the non-surgical treatment options to control their systems. Two popular alternatives that have gained attention are whole-body vibration and dry brush massage. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the benefits of these techniques, their impact on lymphatic circulation, and their potential as complementary treatments for lipedema. Understanding

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Understanding Lipedema & Lymphatic Flow

Dr Wright Share

Lipedema is a condition that affects the distribution of fat in the body, primarily in the lower extremities. Lipedema is a progressive disorder and a significant portion of women with Lipedema progress to secondary Lymphedema. Understanding the relationship between lymphatics and Lipedema is crucial in understanding how lipedema develops and progresses.  It’s characterized as a “progressive disorder,” meaning the tissues enlarge and that, over time, there is a progressive deterioration of lymphatics. When looking at extracellular water content, which is a marker of lymphatic function, the higher the stage of

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Empowering Yourself: Coping Strategies for Living with Lipedema

Dr Wright Share

Living with lipedema can be a challenging and isolating experience. It’s a condition that affects millions of people around the world, and yet it’s not widely understood or recognized by healthcare professionals. If you’re living with lipedema, you know how frustrating it can be to deal with the physical and emotional symptoms that come with it. But the good news is that there are coping strategies you can use to help empower yourself and take control of your life.  In this article, we’ll explore some of the most effective coping

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Celebrating Lipedema Awareness Month 2023

Dr Wright Share

June is Lipedema Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness, providing resources, sharing knowledge, and advocating for equitable healthcare for patients with this complicated, misunderstood, and often misdiagnosed disease. This article will explore the history of lipedema, its symptoms, stages, diagnosis, treatment options, and the importance of research and awareness campaigns. By understanding the key aspects of lipedema and its management, we can help support those affected by the condition and contribute to a more informed and inclusive healthcare system. What is Lipedema? Lipedema is a fat disorder that

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Celebrities with Lipedema: Stories of Struggle, Acceptance, and Empowerment

Dr Wright Share

Lipedema, a condition characterized by abnormal fat accumulation in the lower body, affects millions of women worldwide but remains largely underdiagnosed. The disorder can cause swelling, discomfort, and mobility issues, often leading to body image struggles and self-consciousness. Despite this, several celebrities have courageously opened up about their experiences with Lipedema, aiming to empower others and raise awareness about the condition. In this article, we highlight ten celebrities with lipedema who embraced their Lipedema diagnosis and continue to lead successful lives in the spotlight. What is Lipedema? Lipedema is a

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Ease Lipedema Symptoms with Lymphatic Yoga

Dr Wright Share

Lipedema is a chronic condition that affects many women, causing painful swelling in their legs and arms. The swelling can be so severe that it affects their mobility and quality of life. While there is no cure for Lipedema, there are ways to manage its symptoms. One of the most effective ways is to practice Lymphatic Yoga. This form of yoga is specifically designed to help stimulate the lymphatic system, which removes waste and toxins from the body.  By practicing Lymphatic Yoga, people with Lipedema can improve their circulation, reduce

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Your Ultimate Travel Companion: How to Manage Lymphedema Symptoms on the Go

Dr Wright Share

Lymphedema is a condition that causes swelling in the limbs due to a buildup of lymph fluid. Various factors, including surgery, radiation therapy, and infection, can cause it. While lymphedema can be managed with proper treatment and self-care, traveling can present unique challenges for those with the condition. This article will discuss some tips for traveling with lymphedema to help you stay comfortable and healthy on your next trip. What is Lymphedema, and Why is it a Problem? Lymphedema is a condition that affects the lymphatic system, which is responsible

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Discover the Benefits of Lipedema Liposuction for Improved Knee Function

Dr Wright Share

If you’re one of the millions of people living with lipedema, you know all too well the pain and discomfort of the condition. One of the most challenging aspects of lipedema is its effect on your knees, which can become swollen, painful, and difficult to move. But there is hope. Lipedema lipo is a safe, effective procedure that can help improve knee function and alleviate the symptoms of lipedema. By removing excess fat from the affected areas, this liposuction can reduce inflammation and pressure on the knees, allowing you to

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