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Lipedema Blog


The Difference Between Normal Fat & Lipedema Fat

Dr Wright Share

When it comes to lipedema, there are plenty of unfortunate stories regarding individuals looking for a proper diagnosis who are told they are only obese. There is a clear difference between regular fat and lipedema body fat tissue that accumulates with lipedema that can be observed by the trained eye. Lipedema is associated with a buildup of subcutaneous adipose fat tissue; adipose tissue is used for long term energy storage. Our organs, such as the liver and kidneys, require fat tissue for proper metabolic functioning. Another form of adipose fat

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Body Vibration & Dry Brushing for Lipedema & Relieving the Symptoms

Dr Wright Share

While there is no permanent cure to treat lipedema, there are a variety of options you can utilize to manage its symptoms. Limb heaviness and tenderness are often caused by lymphatic congestion. Lymph drainage massage, compression garments, and pump therapy are effective and popular nonsurgical options to improve lymphatic congestion and its symptoms. Another great way to manage your lipedema symptoms is through body vibration and dry brushing for lipedema. These alternative options can help circulate the lymph fluids in your body and provide much needed relief. Take a look

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Common Myths About Lipedema 2019

Dr Wright Share

Lipedema is one of the most misunderstood medical conditions in the practice of medicine. A lipedema diagnosis can take months if you do not have a knowledgeable physician to help you along the way. In fact, most information on the web points to the common misdiagnoses of lipedema instead of factual information. To help you better understand lipedema, here are some common myths surrounding the disease lipedema in 2019 that are simply not true: Lipedema is NOT Obesity Most patients have been told incorrectly that their lipedema is in fact

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All About Fat Embolism

Dr Wright Share

If you have done your own research to learn about any possible risks associated with liposuction, you may have come across fat embolism. Unfortunately, risks will always be associated with cosmetic procedures, but the chance of a fat embolism occurring is dramatically low. Trained surgeons and advancing technology make liposuction procedures far safer than they were in the past. Here is what you need to know about fam embolisms: What Are They? Fat embolisms are a mass substance that can break off your vein and travel through the blood vessel.

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Liposuction Does Come with Risks

Dr Wright Share

Lipedema is a life-changing disease that can greatly impact everyday life. Seeking out treatment is a big ordeal, and with each treatment option available there are certain risks that must be reviewed. Liposuction is typically a safe and effective procedure when performed by trained hands and additional precautions are followed. Current technology allows properly trained vascular, cosmetic plastic surgeons to remove the subcutaneous fat tissue safely and greatly reduce the impact lipedema has on your mobility as long as specialized surgical techniques are followed which limit injury to lymphatics. However,

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Compression Pump Therapy for Lipedema

Dr Wright Share

The symptoms of lipedema can be extremely difficult to manage without the proper treatment plan. Lipedema is a condition that causes disproportionate fat buildup in the limbs, but it can also cause other adverse effects, such as fluid buildup in your limbs that is the result of the lymphatic system malfunctioning. When this occurs, your lymphatic system is unable to properly drain fluid back through the system. A variety of treatment options that are effective include compression garments and Complete Decongestive Therapy. Another option to help you manage your symptoms

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New Treatment for Dercum’s Disease Is a Step Closer to Being Widely Available

Dr Wright Share

What Is Dercum’s Disease? Dercum‘s disease, also known as Adiposis Dolorosa, is a rare condition that is characterized by multiple, painful fatty lipomas (benign, fatty tumors). It occurs in men and women but is more common in post-menopausal women. The lipomas are located primarily in the subcutaneous tissue. They can occur almost anywhere but often occur on the arms near elbow, legs near the knee and the trunk. Unlike ordinary lipomas, there is also pain that can be severe and sometimes debilitating. It is a chronic condition, meaning that it is a long-lasting condition that is often progressive. Treatment

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Aetna – Clinical Policy Bulletin (CBD) Number 0031 Cosmetic Surgery

Dr Wright Share

There has been some movement from a major health insurance provider, Aetna.    Policy number 0031, which addresses Aetna’s policy on cosmetic surgery was updated on March 29, 2019.  This updated policy does include a subheading for “Liposuction for Lipedema”. The policy summarizes the literature Aetna reviewed when updating the policy.  This literature included the standard of care clinical guidelines from Dutch and German lipedema experts. The policy also reviews studies showing the benefit of liposuction for Lipedema. It is not entirely clear from the update what this means because

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Lymphedema Treatment Act

Dr Wright Share

Currently, most of the supplies needed to manage lipedema and lymphedema are not covered by Medicare. Compression garments, donning devices and wraps, which are critical for the proper care and management of these diseases are not covered except when caused by cancer treatment. These garments are quite expensive and need to be replaced as often as every six months. The lymphedema can be just devastating when caused by an inherited condition as is the case of lipedema or an infection. If lymphedema is not properly controlled by compression garments it

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Maybe being fat isn’t your fault: A look at lipedema

Dr Wright Share

On the tv show The Doctors, lipedema has once again come up. This time it’s with someone who’s big behind has made her a star. This isn’t the first time I’ve run into Raylynn on the internet. I came across her picture elsewhere, where people were less kind about her body type. I went to her Instagram account and could instantly tell what she had was lipedema. It’s just so obvious with the tiny waist and flat stomach. You can see her lipedema arms getting slightly bigger now too. Anyhow,

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