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Lipedema Blog


How To Get Insurance To Cover Lipedema Surgery

Dr Wright Share

Navigating the healthcare system can be a daunting task, especially when seeking treatment for conditions like lipedema. Recognized for its complexity and often misdiagnosed, lipedema is a chronic condition characterized by an abnormal accumulation of fat cells in the legs and arms, leading to pain, swelling, and mobility issues. As we observe World Lymphedema Day in March, it’s an opportune time to shed light on the importance of understanding and managing lipedema, including the critical aspect of securing insurance coverage for its treatments. Understanding Lipedema and Its Treatment Lipedema is

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Lipedema or Obesity: Understanding the Difference

Dr Wright Share

  In today’s society, body image and weight management are often hot topics of discussion. Many individuals strive to achieve their desired physique through diet and exercise. However, for some, the struggle to lose weight in certain areas, particularly the legs, can be frustrating and confusing. This leads us to a common question: Is it lipedema or obesity? In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key differences between lipedema and weight gain, helping you understand your body better and make informed decisions about your health and well-being. Understanding Lipedema

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Lipedema and Cellulitis: Understanding the Relationship and Prevention Strategies

Dr Wright Share

Lipedema and cellulitis are two conditions that often coexist, causing discomfort and distress to those affected. Understanding the relationship between these two conditions and implementing prevention strategies is crucial for optimal management. Lipedema is a chronic disorder characterized by an abnormal accumulation of fat in the legs and sometimes the arms, causing pain, swelling, and tenderness.  On the other hand, cellulitis is a bacterial skin infection that can occur as a complication of lipedema due to impaired lymphatic drainage and weakened immune response. It presents with redness, swelling, and warmth

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Understanding Lipedema & Lymphatic Flow

Dr Wright Share

Lipedema is a condition that affects the distribution of fat in the body, primarily in the lower extremities. Lipedema is a progressive disorder and a significant portion of women with Lipedema progress to secondary Lymphedema. Understanding the relationship between lymphatics and Lipedema is crucial in understanding how lipedema develops and progresses.  It’s characterized as a “progressive disorder,” meaning the tissues enlarge and that, over time, there is a progressive deterioration of lymphatics. When looking at extracellular water content, which is a marker of lymphatic function, the higher the stage of

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Empowering Yourself: Coping Strategies for Living with Lipedema

Dr Wright Share

Living with lipedema can be a challenging and isolating experience. It’s a condition that affects millions of people around the world, and yet it’s not widely understood or recognized by healthcare professionals. If you’re living with lipedema, you know how frustrating it can be to deal with the physical and emotional symptoms that come with it. But the good news is that there are coping strategies you can use to help empower yourself and take control of your life.  In this article, we’ll explore some of the most effective coping

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Discovering the Mystery Behind Lipedema Legs: Uncontrollable Weight Gain in Women

Dr Wright Share

‍Have you ever wondered why some women have no issues maintaining their weight, despite your constant struggle to lose weight no matter what you do? Have you ever heard of Lipedema Legs? If you’re a woman and have noticed weight gain in your lower body that you can’t seem to control, you may have lipedema. Lipedema is a chronic and progressive medical condition that affects the limbs (and sometimes the abdomen, too!) of women. In this blog, we’ll be exploring the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for lipedema legs. Introduction

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Tips For Managing Lipedema During Pregnancy

Dr Wright Share

Pregnancy can be an incredibly joyous and special time for a woman, yet for those with lipedema; it can also be a time of physical and emotional distress. Lipedema is a chronic and progressive condition that causes an abnormal and disproportionate accumulation of fat in the legs, hips, buttocks, and arms. During pregnancy, lipedema symptoms can become exacerbated, leaving many women feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Fortunately, some strategies and tips can be employed to help manage lipedema and pregnancy during this important period of a woman’s life. With the right

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Everything You Need To Know about Lipedema Surgery

Dr Wright Share

 An estimated 17 million women in the U.S. and nearly 370 million women across the globe suffer from a condition known as Lipedema. What is regularly associated with rapid and uncontrollable weight gain in its initial stages can spiral out of control if left undiagnosed. As experts continue researching the causes and best treatment options for women with Lipedema, tumescent liposuction or lipedema reduction surgery remains the only way to reset the progressive disease and provide women with increased mobility and reprieve from daily pain. What is Lipedema? Lipedema is

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Patient Spotlight: Crystal

Dr Wright Share

One of Dr. Wright’s newer patients, Crystal, was diagnosed with Lipedema for the first time just 3 months ago, and she’s already feeling the joy and relief that comes with an official Lipedema diagnosis.  “I felt a sense of relief and joy come over me instantly,” she says.  Crystal was diagnosed by Dr. Wright with Stage 3, Type 3, and 4 Lipo-Lymphedema. Over the next 90 days post-diagnosis, she’s undergone two Lipedema surgeries and overcome a lifetime of challenges when it came to “her relationship with gravity”, as she calls

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Are Lipedema and Lymphedema Fatal?

Dr Wright Share

Good news, these conditions are not life-threatening on their own. However, if undiagnosed or untreated, they will worsen over time and may contribute to several other secondary ailments and complications. If you have signs of swelling, and pain in your body, especially in your legs and arms, seek treatment starting with your primary care physician. Ongoing care of lipedema and lymphedema with a vascular expert lessens the risk of other serious problems. Hearing the terms lipedema and lymphedema sound strange and Googling them can be downright scary. For instance: These

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