For a Better Life


Lipedema Resources and Community Support

Lipedema is a chronic condition predominantly affecting women, characterized by abnormal fat accumulation in the legs and arms. It can be a confusing and often misdiagnosed condition, leading many to feel lost in their search for information and support. However, the internet has become a haven for resources, offering extensive information and a sense of community for those affected by lipedema. This blog will explore the wealth of resources available to women with lipedema, including the website, Dr. Wright’s YouTube channel, Facebook group, Instagram, and Pinterest pages, each offering unique insights and support for this condition. Your Primary Information Hub is an excellent starting point for anyone seeking comprehensive information about lipedema. This website is an extensive resource, providing detailed insights into the nature of the disease, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options. It offers:

  • Educational Articles: In-depth articles covering all aspects of lipedema, from its stages to management strategies.
  • Treatment Information: Latest advancements in treatment, including surgical and non-surgical options.
  • Patient Resources: Guides and tools to help patients manage their condition effectively.
  • Deep dives into new medical research publications on the disease and treatment of lipedema.

Dr. Wright’s YouTube Channel: Visual Learning and Community Engagement

For those who prefer video content, Dr. Wright’s YouTube channel, Lipedema Info, is a treasure trove of information. The channel features:

  • Informative Videos: These videos range from explaining the basics of lipedema to discussing complex treatment procedures.
  • Patient Testimonials: Hearing from others who have gone through similar experiences can be incredibly comforting and informative.
  • Q&A Sessions: Dr. Wright often hosts Q&A sessions, addressing common questions and concerns about lipedema.
  • Updates on Lipedema presentation at national and international medical conferences.

Lipedema Group – A Facebook Community

The Lipedema Group – on Facebook is a vibrant community where members can find support and share experiences. This group offers:

  • Peer Support: Engage with others who understand what living with lipedema is like.
  • Latest News and Research: Stay updated with the latest findings and discussions in the world of lipedema.
  • Advice and Tips: Share and receive practical daily advice on managing the condition.

Instagram: A Glimpse into Real-life Experiences

Dr. Wright’s Instagram page, @lipedemasurgicalsolutions, is a visually engaging platform providing insights into the treatment and management of lipedema. Here, you can find:

  • Before and After Photos: Visual evidence of the effectiveness of various treatments.
  • Daily Tips and Motivation: Regular posts to inspire and guide those living with lipedema.
  • Community Interaction: Engage with a broader community of followers for support and encouragement.

Pinterest: Educational Resources and Inspiration

Lastly, Dr. Wright’s Pinterest page, Laser Lipo Vein, is an excellent resource for educational material and inspiration. This platform offers:

  • Informative Pins: Find links to articles, research papers, and treatment information.
  • Inspiration Boards: Boards that motivate and uplift, showcasing success stories and positive affirmations.
  • Community Engagement: A different way to connect with people navigating the same journey.

Join Our Lipedema Community – You Aren’t Alone!

Living with lipedema can be challenging, but with the right resources and support, managing the condition becomes significantly easier. From comprehensive information hubs like to engaging social media platforms like YouTube and Instagram, numerous avenues exist to explore for education, support, and community. Dr. Wright’s dedication to providing a wealth of resources across these platforms highlights the growing awareness and support for those battling lipedema. By leveraging these resources, women with lipedema can empower themselves with knowledge, find comfort in shared experiences, and remain updated on the latest in lipedema care and research.

Remember, while online resources are invaluable, they should complement, not replace, professional medical advice. Always consult with healthcare professionals for personalized medical guidance and treatment plans.

If you or someone you know is dealing with lipedema, we encourage you to explore these resources. Visit, subscribe to Dr. Wright’s YouTube channel, join the Facebook group, follow the Instagram page, and check out the Pinterest boards. Each platform offers unique perspectives and support, providing a comprehensive toolkit to understand and manage lipedema effectively. Join this growing community today and take a step forward in your journey toward wellness and empowerment.