Nutrition for Lipedema
Before you start looking for more invasive treatments to help reduce the symptoms of your lipedema, you should start with conservative steps. Your nutrition plays a key factor in maintaining some symptoms of lipedema. We recommend following a Rare Adipose Disorder (RAD) diet. This type of diet is actually a modification to a standard Mediterranean diet that helps you maintain a low glycemic index. In order to do this, it is recommended that you avoid any refined or processed starches and sugars. These are usually found in pasta, rice, bread, corn and potatoes. We avoiding highly processed food especially processed carbohydrates will keep insulin level low. Keeping insulin level low will give you best chance at fat loss and lower overall body inflammation.
Lipedema experts also report that avoiding starches alone will not prevent symptoms from flaring up. It is also recommended that individuals with lipedema may want to reduce their gluten intake. Some people who may be sensitive to gluten and not know it unless they try a gluten free diet for a few weeks. Gluten is typically found in wheat, rye, and barley. While it can be difficult to avoid these commonly found ingredients it will help reduce gut inflammation. Instead of gluten, make sure your diet focuses on foods high in omega-3 and fiber. This will help you burn fat and reduce any inflammation. Foods you will want to focus on include nuts, beans, fish, and whole grains. Here we give you essential information about Lipedema nutrition.
Add Supplements to Your Nutrition for Lipedema
Adjusting your diet is not the only change that can help with your symptoms of lipedema. Adding physical exercise to your regular regime will also help with your symptoms. Pairing your new workout regime with supplements will make the biggest impact on any changes you will notice. Adding supplements and work outs to your daily scheduled will need to be reviewed by your physician to ensure you remain healthy. The following supplements can help with your lipedema symptoms:
Vitamin D3: Lipedema patients are typically deficient with Vitamin D, an essential supplement that plays a critical role with your immune system. It also helps your bone, muscle, and nervous system health. It is recommended that lipedema patient who are deficient in Vitamin D take up to 4 times the Recommended Daily Allowance, or RDA.
Selenium: A supplement that can aid with your daily metabolism is Selenium. It has been known to help reduce swelling that is often painful and continuous for those with lipedema. While supplemental pills can be hard to find you can find them in brazil nuts; eating just 2 of these nuts per day should be enough to notice a difference.
Diosmin: Perhaps the most effective supplement to take is Diosmin, a bioflavonoid that is commonly found in citrus fruits. They can have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and lymph-tonic properties that will help with your symptoms of lipedema.
Get Help with Your Lipedema
We’re here to help you learn more about the symptoms and treatment methods associated with Lipedema. You don’t have to fight this debilitating disease alone. Contact us today!