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Lipedema Blog


Discover the Benefits of Lipedema Liposuction for Improved Knee Function

Dr Wright Share

If you’re one of the millions of people living with lipedema, you know all too well the pain and discomfort of the condition. One of the most challenging aspects of lipedema is its effect on your knees, which can become swollen, painful, and difficult to move. But there is hope. Lipedema lipo is a safe, effective procedure that can help improve knee function and alleviate the symptoms of lipedema. By removing excess fat from the affected areas, this liposuction can reduce inflammation and pressure on the knees, allowing you to

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Lipedema Liposuction vs. Cosmetic Liposuction

Dr Wright Share

  Have you ever heard of lipedema? It’s a condition that affects millions of women worldwide. It causes an abnormal buildup of fat cells in the legs, buttocks, and hips, which can lead to pain, discomfort, and even disability. While there are several treatment options available, liposuction has become a popular choice among patients. However, not all liposuction procedures are the same. In fact, there are two distinct types of liposuction that are often confused: lipedema liposuction and cosmetic liposuction.  Understanding the key differences between these two procedures is essential for

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